Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Ultimate PA School Personal Statement Starter Kit

If you are struggling to write your PA school personal narrative, then this message is for you. Here's why . . . PA school admissions teams have an uncanny ability (honed on the job) to detect when an applicant's essay rings false. And you need to realize, that there is a cost to writing a "so-so," uninspired personal statement thats written to meet the status quo. What most people do when they can't find the right words for their essay is to do what the rest of us do; procrastinate. You place the task of writing your PA school narrative on the back burner until inspiration rides in and saves the day. But for most people, that day never comes. They wait until the last minute and end up rushing their essay. They piece together partially formed ideas or force concepts that aren't their own, so their essay ends up sounding mechanical, disjointed, and uninspired. They take advice from well-intentionedfamily and friends who love them, yes, but are unable to give them the naked truth that will make their essay shine. Most people are just not professional writers. And most people dont have the time, resources, or money to hire one that knows a thing or two about how to write a winning PA school essay. And what happens if you do nothing? If you just keep doing what you've been doing, hoping the problem will solve itself? How a simple tool can solve yourpersonal statement writing woes I've got an answer that works. Here's the story. I receive about a dozen essay's from prospective PA school students every week. Kind, well-intentionedpre-PAs looking for some guidance on how to write their PA school personal statement. But, not everyone can afford a one-on-one personal statement edit, and I can really only do one or two free essay evaluations per month. Then I had an idea. "What if I created a time-tested template that would help them write a better version of their personal statement? Help them to put into words the best version of themselves? What if I could help them wordsmiththeir essay, polish it, and make it sing? What if they walked out after a few hours with a finished draft that spoke to them AND the admissions committee. And that' exactly how we created the Ultimate PA School Personal Statement Starter Kit. The Ultimate PA School Personal Statement Starter Kit When you download yourstarter kit, you'll join me, and 100's of other PRE-PAs in using a time-tested PA school essay template that works. We take you step by step, through a series of guided writing prompts to help you craft a foolproof first draft of your PA school personal statement. I'm going to hold your hand every step of the way and walk you throughthis process. Make your mark with a standout introduction. Show us your journey through four prompted body paragraphs Then, wrap it up and tie it in a bow, with a conclusion that will make even your mom proud. We provide you guided prompts every step of the way. When you have each section completed just click the export as text button in the included PDF, and the tool will magically compile each of your paragraphs together into a finished draft. Copy and paste your essay into a character and word count tool (here's one I like) to make sure your essay is within the CASPA character limit. Click send! Now you've finished your essay, sit back and watch the acceptance letters roll in. Well, maybe its not that easy, but you get my point. And the best part. Your starter kit is totally free! Heres what to do now . . . Fill out this form for instant access to your PA school personal statement starter kit. Download Your FREE Personal Statement Starter Kit Follow our time-tested prompts as we walk you through every step of the process from concept to conclusion. Success! Now check your email to confirm your subscription. There was an error submitting your subscription. Please try again. First Name Email Address We use this field to detect spam bots. If you fill this in, you will be marked as a spammer. I'd like to receive the free email course. Get Your Starter Kit We wont send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time. 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Success! Now check your email to confirm your subscription. There was an error submitting your subscription. Please try again. First Name Email Address We use this field to detect spam bots. If you fill this in, you will be marked as a spammer. I'd like to receive the free email course. Get Your Starter Kit We wont send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time. 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At times like these, I find it helps to recite the words of distinguished writer Neil Gaiman: This is how you do it: you sit down at the keyboard, and you put one word after another until it's done. It's that easy, and that hard. P.S.If you need just a little more assistance with your essay, we can help you with that too. Warmly, Stephen Pasquini PA-C View all posts in this seriesHow to Write the Perfect Physician Assistant School Application EssayThe Physician Assistant Essay and Personal Statement CollaborativeDo You Recognize These 7 Common Mistakes in Your Personal Statement?7 Essays in 7 Days: PA Personal Statement Workshop: Essay 1, A PA Changed My LifePA Personal Statement Workshop: Essay 2, I Want to Move Towards the Forefront of Patient CarePA Personal Statement Workshop: Essay 3, She Smiled, Said Gracias! and Gave me a Big HugPA Personal Statement Workshop: Essay 4, I Have Gained so Much Experience by Working With PatientsPA Personal Statement Workshop: Essay 5, Then Reach, my Son, and Lift Your People up With YouPA Personal Statement Workshop: Essay 6, That First Day in Surgery was the First Day of the Rest of my LifePA Personal Statement Workshop: Essay 7, I Want to Take People From Dying to Living, I Want to Get Them Down From the Cliff.Physician Assistant Personal Statement Workshop: To say I was an accident-prone ch ild is an understatement9 Simple Steps to Avoid Silly Spelling and Grammar Goofs in Your PA School Personel Statement5 Tips to Get you Started on Your Personal Essay (and why you should do it now)How to Write Your Physician Assistant Personal Statement The Book!How to Write Physician Assistant The PA Grammar Guide101 PA School Admissions Essays: The Book!5 Things Ive Learned Going Into My Fourth Physician Assistant Application Cycle7 Tips for Addressing Shortcomings in Your PA School Personal StatementThe #1 Mistake PRE-PAs Make on Their Personal StatementThe Ultimate PA School Personal Statement Starter KitThe Ultimate Guide to CASPA Character and Space Limits10 Questions Every PA School Personal Statement Must Answer5 PA School Essays That Got These Pre-PAs Accepted Into PA School7 Questions to Ask Yourself While Writing Your PA School Personal Statement101 PA School Applicants Answer: Whats Your Greatest Strength? You may also like -10 Questions Every PA School Personal Statement Must Answer Theres no one right way to craft your PA personal statement. In fact, it should be as individual as you are. However, there are basic things to include, that together, answer the question: Why do you want to be a PA? Here are 10 []5 PA School Essays That Got These Pre-PAs Accepted Into PA School Ever wonder what PA school admissions directors are really looking for in a winning PA school essay? Have you been searching the internet and physician assistant forums for samples of PA school applicant essays for []The #1 Mistake PRE-PAs Make on Their Personal Statement What's the #1 one mistake that potential PAs and pre-physician assistant students make while drafting their PA school personal statement? A failure to outline and plan! Outlining your personal statement is like following a []

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